And my Olympic sport for 2012 is………..

There's been nigh-on Olympic hysteria here in the StripeyAnne household. Our technology and geeky hardware means the laptop can become a television – thanks to a little black pluggy-in thingy that goes straight to the aerial and, when I'm logged in to the Big Computer (as opposed to one of the Small Computers littered around the place, some of them actually functional) I can work on one screen and have BBCi on the other. Or vice versa. I'm agog and awestruck by the sheer brilliance of it all.

The GB medalfest has been a delight and I've cried at every hoisting of the flag. Sniff. So much admiration for the commitment of all those elite athletes while at the same time fascinated by the shapes and sizes. Big-bellied hammer-throwers, long-legged high-jumpers, lean, gangly marathon runners, big-shouldered swimmers. Line them up and guess their sport – not difficult.

So we got to discussing, Noel and I. We have four years until the spectacle comes to London. Not the fabulous show that China put on to gobsmack the world. No, a more stiff-upper-lip British kind of affair. Flasks of tea and sliced white bread sandwiches wrapped in waxed paper. A speech from the Mayor and cutting a ribbon. That'll do, thank you very much. No showiness for us. Much too vulgar.

If, we said, if we were to get gold in an Olympic sport – bearing in mind our maturity, what would it be? Despite the whole running thing this year, I don't think we're up to  Olympic standard. Rock climbing doesn't feature (just as well) and there really isn't one for faffing – our friend James would wipe the floor with the rest of the world on that anyway. Of course it could take him some time….

No, it came to me in a moment of inspiration last night as we went to see a highly-acclaimed, but ultimately depressing movie. I drove for a change and, with such skill, parallel parked the car in one. The crowds went wild. The applause was deafening. That's it, then. The Women's Parallel Parking – Medium-sized saloon (manual).

Noel's still considering his options. Maybe something in C++.

Today's lovely thing
Counting the hours until holiday time…

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  1. dakegra · August 18, 2008

    procrastination!I'll start training tomorrow. 🙂


  2. matthieuf · August 18, 2008

    Anne, you'd get a gold medal in enthusiasm every time.


  3. Liz · August 22, 2008

    You're right Anne, the Opening Ceremony was quite awesome, John and I watched quite a bit of it while we had our lunch in a noisy cafe.


  4. Liz · August 22, 2008

    (cont'd…) Then we entered into a discussion about what kind of show London might put on 2012. John said something about 'well, the Brits don't like blowing their own trumpet', but I misheard and thought he said 'well the Brits just like lying around trumping (!)'….so there you go, a new Olympic event. And we might just know one or two people who could be in with a chance of Gold.


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